Curriculum Vitae
since June 2020: full professorship for Educational Science with a focus on Learning Passages and Diversity at the Faculty for Educational Sciences at the University of Bremen
----------------------------------------01.04.2019 - 31.05.2020: stand-in professorship at the University of Bremen in the Faculty of Educational Science - Educational Passages and Diversity
01.04.2017 - 28.02.2018: stand-in professorship at
the University of Bielefeld: Educational science with a focus on pegagogies related to migration.
2014 - 2019 University Assistant (Post-doc) at the Department of German Studies at the University of Vienna in the field of German as a Second Language
2013 Completion of the doctoral thesis: "Further education participation in the migration society - why German women with a so-called migration background (not) participate in further education" in December 2013
2012 - 2014 Project management of the BMBF-funded project: lea.linking study 2010 - 2014 Research Associate at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Hamburg in the Lifelong Learning Unit
2010 - 2014 Competency assessment procedures in the context of an ESF / BAMF project for German courses at the Hamburger Volkshochschule
2008 - 2010 Research assistant at the Institute for Adult Education of the
University of Bremen in the BMBF project: lea. Literacy development of work force
2006 - 2008 Assistant to the Manager in the Department of German as a Foreign Language at the Bremer Volkshochschule
2001 - 2007 Studies of Educational Science / Focus on Adult Education - NF German as a Foreign Language (DAF) at the University of Bremen
2002 - 2005 Classification counseling and course instructor activity in the department of German as a Foreign Language at the Bremer Volkshochschule
2005 Internship in the language department of the Goethe - Institut (Max Mueller Bhavan) in Bangalore, India
Student assistant at the workplace against discrimination and violence of the University of Bremen
Student assistant at the Equal Opportunities Office of the University of Bremen
Voluntary participation in literacy courses for migrants in the Department of
Basic Education of the Bremer Volkshochschule
Bank clerk (Deutsche Bank AG Essen)